This blog is like me.. Completely random. Music, fashion, photography, food, movies, books... Good luck following my crazy stream of consciousness!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How It Should Have Ended

Just a quick dose of funny: How It Should Have Ended

I adore this website. They basically just take movies and come up with hilarious endings, or endings that make waaaaay more sense.

I've embedded a couple of my favorites, but I encourage you to check out ALL of their videos when you get a chance. It will not be time wasted.

 How Lord Of The Rings Should Have Ended

How Superman Should Have Ended 
(I mostly like this one because of the coffee shop scene with Batman and Superman... it continues in the next video)

How The Dark Knight Should Have Ended

If you want to see the continued coffee shop with Batman & Superman, watch How Thor Should Have ended..

Anyways, enjoy! And happy Tuesday!

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