Here are my souvenirs:
Apparently there is a "Carnival" in Italy that has been going on for hundreds of years and it is at the same time as our Mardi Gras.. My mom said it's nothing like ours with crazy drunk people and parades, but there are people walking around with capes and masks on. Very cool. She got me a couple of masks..
I may be going to a parade next week (I'd be looking on from a balcony, not on the street) and I may have to wear this mask. I love it!
This one reminds me of Drew Barrymore in Ever AfterI love scarves!
This one has little charms on it.
I love the bright colors of this one.
I am obsessed with these shoes. This past Wednesday I went to Evergreen, AL (you could say it's in the boonies) to visit family wearing these shoes.. I was also wearing the grey scarf, a turquoise, black, and white messenger bag, bejeweled pocket capri jeans and my brother's Aviators.. I walked into KFC to get lunch for everybody and I cannot tell you how many people just stopped and stared at me.. I did NOT look like I was "from around here". It was pretty funny.
My mom actually bought these for herself but they were too big for her. I'm a half size larger and they fit perfectly.
This skirt is soooo me.
This one too. They look Anthropologie-ish, right?
Apparently socks with pumps are a big trend in Italy. I'm definitely a fan and can't wait to figure out how to style these babies.
Gotta love some knee socks.
You can't go somewhere without bringing back a keychain! Italy has their own version of the French fleur-de-lis.
This is a Venetian glass ring from Venice. I love the colors.
These are actually children's leather bracelets from Florence but they fit my tiny wrists perfectly! (Firenze is the Italian word for Florence)
Can everyone agree that my mom has excellent taste?! She knows me well. :) Thanks mom!
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