Here is the outfit:
Dress: Express circa 2006ish; Tuxedo Jacket: Ben Sherman ($15 at Hudson's!!); Shoes: Jessica Simpson
You've gotta love a good hair day. :)
Here are the blessed shoes again (the ones from my dad for Valentine's)..
The self-manicure.
It was great fun. The show was at the Imperial Palace Casino in Biloxi, MS (a little over an hour away from here). We at ate the restaurant at the restaurant, "Tien". Oh my GOSH it was sooooo good.. My dad's brother's girlfriend works at the casino and she comped everything, so we had lobster on the hibachi. :):):)
And here's me and my dad!
Frankie Valli was so cute.. I mean, he's like 76 years old I think. He still has the high voice and at the end of the show all of the old people ran up to the stage to shake his hand. It was hilarious. He had 4 backup singers called "The Four Seasons" and they were all around 30-ish. There was one lady behind us who was really excited for one of them. When they sang "Grease" they took off their jackets and flexed and she started screaming like a maniac. It was quite entertaining..
My hair still looked good at the end of the night! Yay!
Anyways, I am off to Orlando to visit my cousin for a few days! There will be many many MANY pictures taken. :) Have a good week!
Sounds like you have an awesome daddy! I am still loving those shoes he got your for V-day. Orlando, I'm jealous!!! Have a great time & a safe trip.
Thanks! I'm quite in love with the shoes myself. :)
And Orlando was fabulous!
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